Fenceline Road Access

We've seen a couple of comments about our project’s impact regarding access to Fenceline Road in Nevada. There is no deeded legal access to Fenceline Road in California, however, we are aware that property owners in Nevada are in the habit of using Stateline Road, a private road owned by Sierra High Farms in Mono County, to access Fenceline Road (see image below). While there are multiple routes of deeded access to Fenceline Road from the Nevada side of Eastside Lane, we recognize that the nearest deeded access to Fenceline Road is Risue Canyon Road, a route that takes traffic 3 hundred feet in front of our nearest neighbor's home. By using our private road, traffic stays 15 hundred feet from their home. While we have the legal right to put a gate across our private road, it is our desire to continue to allow Nevada residents permitted access to Fenceline Road via our private road. This will keep the few cars that do travel Fenceline road away from our nearest neighbor.

We will also be making required major improvements to our private road to bring it up to California safety standards, and will post a speed limit of 15 mph for the purposes of dust control, not just for us, but for our nearest neighbor. As long as problems don't occur, we intend to keep our road open for Nevada residents.


Lighting, Night Sky


The CEQA Report